
A web interface for amuleweb. Reloaded style using Bootstrap, Glyphicons and jQuery!

Project maintained by MatteoRagni


This work is entirely based upon the skeleton provided in amuleweb package for Debian. Besed on the work and the efforts of the main aMule branch developers, Bootstrap, Glyphicon and jQuery, I've decided to re-design the web interface. All is released under the Gnu Public License, and I'll be pleased if someone will decide to fork and improve my work.


The structure is completely equivalent to the old amuleweb interface, and mantains all it's functionalities.


To install the web interface simply clone the repo in a directory inside /usr/share/amule/webserver (tested on Debian-based distros):

cd /usr/share/amule/webserver
sudo git clone

After, you need to edit configuration file of remote interface:

nano $HOME/.amule/remote.conf

Now you have only to reload amuleweb process:

kill $(pidof amuleweb) && amuleweb

Interface is available at address http://localhost:4711

If you desire to lower the project size, delete the comparison image with the command: sudo rm -R /usr/share/amuleweb/webserver/AmuleWebUI-Reloaded/doc-images


Here some screenshots for comparison purposes:

Hosted on GitHub Pages — Initial Theme by mattgraham